Friday, July 16, 2004


Hey Kids, lets get some election news in

The announcement puts to rest the latest political snag for Kerry's campaign in the run-up to the late-July convention.

Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., complained to Kerry campaign manager Mary Beth Cahill that the strategy of releasing only a few names each day minimizes the importance of some speakers, said her campaign manager, Mike Morrill.

"The senator was very clear that the way they did this botched it," Morrill said. "By doing it as the One-A-Day vitamin strategy, they missed the picture that they have a whole shop of vitamins." Other speakers complained privately to the campaign about the way their roles were handled.

Also this week, the Kerry campaign unveiled a $2 million TV ad campaign geared toward black voters, only to hear complaints from members of the Congressional Black Caucus who wanted more testimonials in the spots"

John..... John
Your being percived as Mr. Waffles, Mr. "I voted for the 87 billion before i voted against it."
that doesn't play good in middle america
will this play in Peoria?
Probably won't get covered.. but it ads to the case against you.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004


Good thing the Red Cross is on the case

Getler responded to issues addressed in a recent HonestReporting communique:

"Readers who say they see a pro-Palestinian bias in Post reporting claim the paper underplayed an Israeli military charge that Palestinians used an ambulance to transport explosives, which is why Israeli forces have been stopping them. Another [correspondent Daniel] Williams story Friday from Ramallah quotes Red Cross official Ola Skuterud raising doubts about that claim... It is hard to know the validity of the ambulance-weapons claim..."

Unfortunately, Getler has failed his mandate to investigate readers' complaints. Several HonestReporting members sent letters to Getler, providing proof of the "ambulance-weapons claim." Getler was sent a March 31 article from The Jerusalem Post, entitled, "ICRC 'shocked' by explosives in Palestinian ambulance."

According to The Jerusalem Post, "The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said at the weekend it was 'shocked and dismayed' that explosives were hidden by Palestinians in a Palestine Red Crescent Society's (PRCS) ambulance. The ICRC said it 'condemns such abuse of an ambulance and of the Red Crescent emblem' and called for Palestinian 'respect of the ambulances' medical mission.'"

"After the Israeli authorities reported the discovery of explosives in the ambulance, with a child lying on top of them, ICRC delegates made immediate contact with the Israeli authorities and the PRCS and went to the site near Ramallah where the ambulance was stopped. 'There they observed how a device was taken out from the vehicle and detonated in the presence of a number of onlookers,' the ICRC said. 'Until a full investigation has been made, the ICRC is not in a position to comment further on this incident. The ICRC understands the security concerns of the Israeli authorities and has always acknowledged their right to check ambulances, provided it does not unduly delay medical evacuations.'"

See the Jerusalem Post article at:

now we look here

By NAOMI KOPPEL, Associated Press Writer

GENEVA - The international Red Cross said Tuesday it suspects the United States is hiding detainees in lockups across the globe, though the agency has been granted access to thousands of prisoners in Iraq (news - web sites) and elsewhere.

Terror suspects reported by the FBI (news - web sites) as captured have never turned up in detention centers, and the United States has failed to reply to agency demands for a list of everyone it's holding, said Antonella Notari, spokeswoman for the International Committee of the Red Cross.

I am not sure with the fact the red cross tries to hide the terrorist actions done by their member organizations, if they are a fair group to investigate us


Everything is better in europe

  • Really

  • No really

  • Yet the euro is doing so well

    Hmmmm... Massive employement problems in one of europe's largest economies

    massive deficits

    that seems fishy

    I mean the europeans wouldn't be trying to prop up the EU would they


    And the Plot thickens

    Ms. Thumbs up herself, in addition to sexual humiliation of the Iraqi prisoners violated the Code of Military Conduct's rules on sex herself. Say it isn't so. While this *COULD* be a smear job by DOD ( and honestly, attacking the credibility of the people who broke the rules on the front lines is in their best interest) I think with the bun in her oven odds are better then average its true.

    So just think of this when you hear their defense staff try to paint them as good soldiers "Just following orders."


    Links of the Day and

    Why are these sites the first two links added, because it was in DeMolay that my political, philisophical, and ethical worldview was formed.

    Its a great organization for young men, and its made me who i am today.



    Any links mentioned in my link section are never to be interpreted as an endorsement by those pages ( and organizations) of what I say, but rather my endorsement of them.

    When I intro a link i will say why i put it on my site.


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